Tue 21 Jan
Green Eyes Red Hair And Tight Soft body!! You Will Want this!! 23 Outcalls only - 23
(Las Vegas Outcalls Only)
(¯`'.¸ ♥ ¸.'´¯) GRAND OPENING (¯`'.¸ ♥ ¸.'´¯) PARADISE SPA ** 6 HOT GIRLS ** - 21
(Las Vegas, 2120 Paradise rd)
Gorgeous Exotic *FUN* RedHead❤️ Visiting SIN CITY!!😈😇 - 21
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas 2Girls DRESSED 2 IMPRESS!)
—♥—[[ GoRGeouS ]] —— ♥ —— [[ PeTiTe ]] —— ♥ —— [[ BRuNeTTe ]] —— ♥ —— [[ GiRL NeXT DooR]] —♥ - 19
Sexy Blonde Star AND My BF. LIVE.. What You Wont See On TV. Up Late - 28
(Kansas City, Parvin Rd & 35why/ outcalls too)
= GORGEOUS = ( * UNTAMED * ) - ( * SiNFUL * ) = BRACE U'R - SELF = - 30
(BRiNG in -2O11 w/More Than a-GRiN!)
Gorgeous BBW to fullfill all of your fantasies!! >> incall or outcall !!! Call for details
(Las Vegas, Outcall or Incall near the PALMS)
G O R G E O U S . M A T U R E . P L A Y M A T E > > > > >> private . heated . pool . & . spa - 38
(Las vegas, IN-CALL ( sahara / rancho) IN-CALL)
-:¦:-☆ *GeNuiNe GeNTs TrEaSuRe My SoFt,SwEeT PLeAsUrEs *SeNsUoUs BLoNdE BuNnY.*☆ - 22
(lN: LasVegas/OUT: Henderson& Summerlin)
P L A Y F U L [&] P U R E__ A m e r i c a n ♥ S w e e t h e a r t __N A U G H T Y [&] N I C E! - 20
(Kc AIRPORT - my place or yours))
First Time In Vegas-Beautiful, Well- Reviewed Playmate -Wide Variety of Services - 25
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas`)
((( EXPLOSIVELY ))) ((( SMOKING ))) ((( HOT ))) ((( EXPERIENCE ))) ((( AVAILABLE NOW )))702-409-1861 - 25
(las vgas outcalls only)
☔"Sprinkle me" 😂"LouD Mo🅰nin" 🍨"CurvyLicious and Yummy" 👅"Deep Thro🅰t" 👋"Sp🅰nk my 50in B00ty" - 23
(Airport/West Cola/Lexington, Columbia)
$$$"EXoTiC WHiTe GiRL NeXtDooR TYpe💄$$$"🎀$$$" HOt BeAUtY (602)206-7017🎀💄 - 25
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas OutCalls/incalls vegas strip)
Exotic Ebony Vixen. Outcalls to your private home or hotel. More » - 27 - 26
(Las Vegas, las Vegas Strip)
N A U G H T Y★★★•:*:•G I r L •:*:•N O B o D Y★ ☆D O E S*♫* i T*♫L i KE°o★M E - 21
(Kansas City, south)
\\\\\\ Enjoy Great Hot Sexy Oriental Girl \\\\\\\\\ Style Body to Body Relaxing Rubdown \\\\\\\ - 25
(HOTEL ---OUTCALL, Las Vegas, NorthWest)
❤ Epitome of "T&A;" ❤ BANGING BODY Dripping w/Sexxy ❤ 38DDD ❤ This is ME 110% Verifiable Provider ❤ - 29
(Las Vegas, South, Vegas Now In/Out 1pm-3am Strip)
🆕 Erotic Ebony💋tight➕ addicTive ☁️ SOFT bOOty ready☀️🌙ALL DAY - 21
(ALL OVER Las Vegas OUTCALLS, East, Henderson, Las Vegas, North, NorthWest, South, SouthWest)
* ♥ * ♥ * Dream Girl * ♥ * Always Ready 4 Fun * ♥ * ♥ * $80 Specials - 21
(Las Vegas, LAS VEGAS TxT me (702) 290-6178)
☆█ ▄ PeTiTe SeXy Red Bone ▄ :: █ ☆█ ▄NaSTy &FrEAKy; SHORTSTAY ..$60 Speciallss ▄ :: █ ☆█:24/7 - 25
(Columbia, ★ BuSH RiVeR RD ★)
Discreet, Sensual &Sexier; than your average____ MORNING -:[_8O_]:- SPECIAL ____AVAILABLE 24/7_______ - 20
My PANTIES 👙 are a little 💦 SOAKED💦💦💦💦 ... 😜 PLS Take Them 🇴 🇫 🇫 - - - - 24
**DOLLfaCE—*~* *ESCAPE_*——— ———*UN₩IND_*——— RELAX_**___ MASSAGE ₩ith a ver¥ SEXY T₩ist ————*ENJO¥_! - 21
(Las Vegas, Charleston Blvd)
Do you like big soft boobs? Mature, Sensual -n- Seductive, Blonde, Sexy and Curvy! - 35
(Summerlin/Las Vegas)
NeW ** 803-419-9259** Let Me Make You Feel Wanted And Appreciated ** 803-419-9259 ** NeW - 99
🎥🎥🎥Let Me Be Your ✖✖✖ Movie 🌟 Star Erotic Evenings & Naughty Night $80 Outcall Specials🎥🎥🎥 - 35
(Kansas City, KS/MO Outcall Only Your Place 24/7)
« LEAVING » » AT NOON » » TODAY » » Kenya ~ Sexy ~ Skilled & Addictive - 26
🎥🎥Let Me Be Your ✖✖✖ Movie 🌟 Dirty Daytime & Erotic Evenings $90 Outcall Specials🎥🎥 - 35
(Kansas City, KS/MO Outcall Only Your Place 24/7)
LET == ME -- T_A_K_E __o★o° _ Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o★o° _A_W_A_Y - - 20
____________ CUTiiE ____________ LiTTLE ____________ HOTTiiE ____________ ! - 21
____________ CUTiiE ____________ LiTTLE ____________ HOTTiiE ____________ ! * ! * ! - 22
it's PARIS BAbbbyyy- Young . Beautiful. Blonde ! OUTCALLS ONLY - 25
(Kansas City, Where ever you need me to be!)
( (*( CHRiSTMAS -*- M i L F )*) ) FRiSKY & READY - Are You..? ( (NOT 1-LiCK Of UPSALE!!) ) - 30
(Incall *((16O)) FLAT!)
COME on LETS . . . play. . . . EBONY DELIGHT. . . . come and play with me - 21
(Las Vegas/Incall and Outcall)
Its not The weekend but it's FUN TIME Call me Miss FANCY FUN!! 816-977-4131 - 25
(Downtown area 24/7 in&out; call, Kansas City)
Click here________ _________1oo $ Special_____ L A C E Y_______ ____Brains, Beauty, Bust And Booty! - 20
JUST ARRIVED. { I am WHAT} :**★*¨*: {YOU}: **¨☆**: {WANT}** - 21
(Kansas City, KANSAS CITY MO)
K A N S A S__C I T Y ' S -- FAVORITE ♥ BLONDE -- Pretty Face__Amazing Body__Uplifting Attitude - 21
(Kansas City, Kc AIRPORT ♥ My Place or Yours)
~Can You Handle Me? Not your AVERAGE chocolate! (Discreet & Upscale) come show me WHO's boss. xoxo - 21
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas | The Strip...IN/Outcalls)
CLICK HERE‼☀Smoking HOT🔥 Native American &Belizean; mix Goddess👑 petite playful cutie💋 - 19
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas strip incall/outcalls, SouthWest)
✨✨✨🙋 N✨U✨D✨E 😜 ✨ ✨PReTTy ✨✨ & 🏡🏰ReaDY ✨✨✨ CuⓂ 2 PARaDISE ✨YoUR DeSiRe 😘✨✨✨ - 25
(Cincinnati, Fairfield/Forest park Incall/Outcall 🚘)
☆ ★ C0M3 & GeT a TaStE! OoH sOO sExY -NaUghTii MiXXeD TrEaT ★ ☆ SPeciALS - 27